
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

It's tuesday, and it's already been a GREAT week ;)

Wanna see a funny picture?

Me too..

haha just kidding... it's comin.
So, when does your week start? I say Monday. Sunday is a good end to a week.. then Monday starts of a new set of days full of school, and other adventurous things..

Monday- I woke up, and was kinda panicked not because I was late, but because I couldn't remember what time I normally take the bus. Usually, I get to school about an hour early, but, lately, I've been getting the later bus that gets me there about 15 mins early.. ANYWAY, I had a test on Monday, so I wanted to get there good and early, and was so tired, I couldn't remember what time the bus was... so, I ended up being there almost a whole extra hour early.. haha.
So had my test at 10am, and finished by about 10:35am. Left, went to the gym, watched ppl workout.. haha just kidding.. I actually did gym-type things for a bit.. then went home.
Then, had an appointment with the sisters.. gooood lesson! :) :) Couldn't stop smiling, and missing my mission!

Went home, then soon after, Nathaniel Came to pick me up to go to his sister, Katrina's house to hang out a bit.. we hung out, talked, and they enjoyed some left over birthday cake of Nathaniel's (August 27th is his bday by the way.. lol)
We left, cause I had to study for my test the next day, and Nathaniel still wanted to go to the Gym. As we were leaving, Nathaniel asked if I wanted to go check out the temple... and I said no, since we'd be going on the weekend anyway, and he had to go to the gym and it was getting late etc.. now, I realize, I should have said yes..
We got to the MacKay bridge, and because of construction, there was only one lane that we needed to merge into.. and There was an 18-wheeler a little ahead of us.. Nathaniel thought he could get ahead of it before the lane narrowed into one.. but he couldn't, and he realized that, so he stopped. But the back of the truck still hit us. It wasn't bad injury wise.. I'm quite sure that Nathaniel is worse off over all.. He didn't get physically hurt, but he's super stressed!
I feel so horrible, cause I definitely didn't make things easier for him. He's unnecessarily worried about me!The truck hit my side of the car, and I hit the back of my head on something.. but It really wasn't that bad. I went to the hospital, and they did a lot of unnecessary things, as you can see in the Picture.. also, you may notice my phone.. yes, it is permanently attached to my hand :D even in insane situations :)Anyway, got out of the hospital pretty quick, then when I finally fell asleep, I dreamt about the accident all night! Woke up, had a headache, and my neck was sore. When I stood up I felt hot and kinda nauseous.. but that eventually went away. Now I'm basically just down to a sore neck.

They joked about cutting my hair/shaving my head. NOT funny! haha.. and the guy putting the brace on me said I had a long neck.. Pretty sure he was complaining... but I wasn't :).. well not complaining about the compliment.. he was putting it on and was like "i'm pretty sure this is...." and i said "uncomfortable, yep!" haha i didn't listen to what he really meant to say, I just laughed at my funny :)

Well, that's the adventure of Nathaniel and I.. We are ok :D


Mimsi Mack said...

Nice picture. :D Looking forward to seeing you on the weekend.

layne said...

oh mamma! how long do you have to wear the brace? do you really have to wear the brace? and why are you in a wheel chair?? is your heart hurting too?!?

Laura- with an italian accent said...

I forgot to mention that I don't have to wear the brace or hang out in the wheelchair.. haha that was just them being safe... the doctor took the brace off to check out my head and neck, and kept it off and no haha my heart isn't hurting.

Renee said...

Glad you're OK.

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