
Sunday, November 28, 2010

I wonder?

Sometimes I wonder "Why does Heavenly Father bless me so much when I really don't deserve it?"

Today wasn't a horrible day, but it wasn't the best day of my life either. I was late for church, and missed sacrament, which was disappointing, then had a friend try to make me feel bad for it even though it wasn't my fault.. Then I have another friend that TRIES constantly to frustrate me.. and he succeeds all too often! It isn't very kind of him to do that, but I can't make someone kind if they don't want to be.

Obviously I'm grateful that I have the best parents in the world, that taught us so well in many things, but specific to this blog, how to treat others, and how to be polite, and considerate of others. Like I said, I'm grateful for that, and It makes me happy to treat others well, but I think this knowledge also makes me more frustrated inside at people who don't know how to treat others. I just can't imagine finding any type of satisfaction in making someone sad, or insecure, or upset at all.

So, I a little bit lost my patience with someone today, and I feel bad.. but he doesn't.. *sigh*

Anyway.. later, I talked to a GREAT friend on Facebook, and He always makes everything better, and he did an especially good job this time :) He just makes me smile inside and out!

THEN as if that wasn't enough, I talked to another friend, briefly and he made me feel good too. I didn't even say anything about a hard day.. he's just that good!!
They obviously also have some pretty great parents that taught them to be kind, and to have Christlike love for everyone..

I'm glad Heavenly Father reminded me that He loves me, and that he put some pretty awesome people in my life. I'm definitely giving props to Chris and Dave. They deserve the credit for SURE!!! Thanks for being so awesome!!

1 comment:

Amy said...

je suis likes your blog headline picture.
and j'agree about having great parents, but along with treating people well, you also have to know how to be selective in the people you spend time with.

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