
Monday, April 25, 2011

I'm not Voting

That's right! I'm not! Now, according to one of my friends, you now all think that I am just a young person that doesn't care.
That couldn't be further from the truth. I posted a while ago about things I love.. well I'm adding to the list.
I love FAIRNESS, I love FREEDOM, I love CHOICE, I love not being talked down to, taken advantage of, lied to, and treated like a child.

If given a choice between moldy cheese, dog poo, and nails for supper.... what would you choose?? a LOT of you would ACTUALLY choose one... not I! I would say "No Thank-you, I'll have something better" Why? because we were put on this earth, and given our agency, so I most certainly do not have to settle for moldy cheese, dog poo, OR nails for supper! I CAN have something better..

Some of you may say "..but this is the best they can offer us.. don't you think that these people would be trying their hardest so that we vote for them?" NOPE.. I'd say the complete opposite. They don't want to work hard, or make things more complicated, They want to offer as little as they can possibly get away with. and guess what.. THEY ARE GETTING AWAY WITH IT! because SO MANY people are settling!

I don't want to pay my taxes! Why? because It isn't FAIR that I have to pay for some road in ontario that I have never even driven on! I am not against paying for services and things that I use, but it is ridiculous to make me pay for anything else. Most of my taxes go to politicians salaries anyway. LAME. Not that it would make me vote for them, but If someone running for prime minister took a HUGE pay cut, I'd have a lot more respect for them.

Pet Peeve alert!
1- the mindset that "1 person can't change anything" (SO false, and such an ignorant way to think)
2- Having someone try to take my agency away! (NOT cool)

there are more, trust me..

But if you are not happy with your choices for our government, then DON'T vote... What would happen if no one voted? The candidates would be forced to change!
Can anyone say Revolution?? That would be great!

Last thought- I took anthropology this semester, and we talked about societies, how they began, and what came of them. Way back in the beginning, where there were bands, there was no government set in place. Everyone pitched in, and did their part. They governed themselves, and things worked out! These societies were egalitarian.
The need for power, and money, brought about stratified societies, and this is where we are now.
Lets go back to the egalitarian ways!

YOU      CAN   make a DIFFERENCE!


Erik Lovell said...

Interesting spin on the "1 person can make a change" by saying don't vote, but I fundamentally disagree saying that, at least in America, seeing as less than 30% of the younger generation does NOT vote, it seems people have already tried that approach and it hasn't worked. So, I'm for the "1 person can make a change" so VOTE. The problem is the older generations refuse to reform, but the younger generations who would reform, don't vote. So, no reform happens. We might as well start voting to get the reform in place. But that is just my opinion. Yours was the first I've heard liked that...

layne said...

Yeah I agree with Erik. Not voting doesn't seem to be a solution (at least in America). It just leads to the minority getting what they want.

layne said...

hey I know this Erik!! were you guys in the same mtc district?

Erik Lovell said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Erik Lovell said...

Well, sort of. Laura was in the group under me.

Erik Lovell said...

Well, sort of. Laura was in the group under me.

Howard MacKinnon said...

What a great post Laura! Just think of what would happen if those who really didn't support the present corrupt system were brave enough to think for themselves rather than stick to tired old rationalizations for doing nothing. The system would collapse and we could have something better.

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