
Thursday, March 24, 2011

$10,000?? YES please!

So, c100 is giving away $1,000 everyday this week to the hundredth caller at 7:40am and 1:somethingpm. They kept announcing it, and seriously, I never listen to the radio.. ever. Why would you, when you could hand pick your favorite songs and have your own personal radio station (via mp3 player/ipod) ANYWAY, I randomly listened to the radio on my mp3 player, and I haven't stopped since. Literally- If I leave the apartment, I have my mp3 player, and here I'm listening to it streaming online. So, i've been listening to the contest stuff, and people win $1,000. I was like "hmm that'd be pretty sweet!" then they announced that THURSDAY is different. hey are giving away not just $ONE,ooo but $10,000!! haha so I was like "why not! there can't be that much competition. No one listens to the radio, and at 7:40 in the morning.. no one!"

SO i checked out the rules of the contest, made sure i just had to call, and not do anything silly.
Found out I just had to be caller #100.. (and you can only win once during the week) so I decided, I'd try first for the $10,000, and then try the day after for the $1,000. So I set my alarm for 7:30 am.
and here are some pictures of my morning:

this is c100 streaming. it had been on all night. I had to be listening.. that makes sense to everyone right? haha

Oh, and they said you had to correctly
answer a math skill testing question. Since I have NO mathematical skill to test... I looked up an online scientific calculator! It was ready to go!

BAM.. a not happy(makeup-less, barely awake) me at too early in the morning, having already lost! man that's a bad picture! (note to guys- makeup IS a good thing!)

so I called, and it rang once then a busy signal.. so i kept calling immediately after each busy signal.. FINALLY it rang more than once! Someone picked up and said "Hello, you are caller 67, try again" then she hung up. So I kept trying.. ring-busy, ring-busy
several times! Then they announce that they were on caller 89!! ahh!! so I kept going.. and then it stated ringing like before when they answered. I got really excited and nervous!.. nervous?....

they didn't answer!! so I kept trying.. until They announced their winner... :(
oh well.. :( I'll try for $1,000 later today, and tomorrow. I have to win. I was close! I was gonna also use our home phone, but what are the chances that Amber got a phone call literally 2 seconds before my 7:30 alarm went off!!? (that is perhaps the first time.. the first that I know of anyway)

Alright, time to get ready for school..

This is me, peacin out -still poor- Laura.

5 second later update- now they have the winner on the radio rubbing it in my face!! seriously, her voice just came out of no where said "I'm ______, and I just won $10,000 on C-100!!"


Howard MacKinnon said...

You should call from both your land line and cell phone to double your odds.

Renee said...

What a great story! You built up the suspense so well, I was certain you were going to win. :o) Good luck!

layne said...

hahaha why does this not surprise me?

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